Why Emotional Intelligence?

What I’m finding in the journey of experiencing and expressing emotions in my relationships and in my career, is that there is so much more satisfaction available than a lot of us grew up expecting. While advertisers know the importance of feelings while selling products, I think most of us overlook what it is to be human and the basic tools that teach us how to be happy. I’m making a case for the importance of individuals learning to enhance their emotional intelligence skills. It can have a huge impact in our lives.
A business owner I coach has been wanting more meaningful relationships – at work and personally. While he’s good at starting and running businesses, he ends up feeling isolated in his own company and in his own house. He is a hardworking, decent man and has a ‘perfect’ life – but he is yet to be happy, he knows he wants more than another business, another house… or another vacation.
By learning to use his emotions, he is establishing deeper connections with his employees and learning that they are happier and more productive knowing that they are important to him. He is able to recognize when he feels dissatisfied in an interaction and learning to address his dissatisfaction in the moment, instead of unconsciously blaming others or thinking that he has done something wrong or needing to overwork to prove himself as worthy of his position – inherently pushing people away by communicating that he doesn’t need them.
Essentially, he has learned to be more than a task master, and he is becoming an inspiring leader in his community, creating the trust he wants in his life, rather than hoping that the next venture will bring it. And how is he doing it? He’s learning about and applying basic emotional skills in everyday interactions. He is finding that being vulnerable and sharing when he feels a little hurt or sad in an interaction is like a super power for a man – exactly the opposite of what guys grow up believing.
Emotions are a language everyone understands – and we want to feel understood by others, so talking about how we feel in a business meeting or while spending time with family creates more clarity. This saves time, establishing security and leaving less room for misunderstanding because we’re directly saying what we want from an interaction. In the case of my client, he’s no longer pursuing goals that don’t fulfill him, he using emotional intelligence to live his dream every day, create value for himself and for others in every moment.

You Are A Bigger Deal Than You Are Used To Noticing